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Irfan Makki "I Believe" [Download] full new R&B Islamic album

Irfan Makki "I Belive" 2011 full album
Nasheed artist and songwriter Irfan Makki’s songs offer up vibrant imagery with the innocence of a child-like observer and the wisdom of an elderly man, blended with world beat percussion, South Asian rhythms and a distinctive urban R&B vocal style. A sensitive songwriter with a humble stage presence, Irfan has performed all over the UK, US, and Canada, sharing the stage with such artists and friends such as Dawud Wharnsby Ali, Zain Bikha, 786, and the US based hip hop group Native Deen.

Born in Pakistan and migrating to Canada with his family as an infant, singer/songwriter Irfan Makki grew up within a community celebrating the diversity of cultures. Enchanted by dreams of utilizing his own voice in recitation and song, Irfan began to hone his own natural vocal talents. Throughout his teen years he immersed himself in the development of his unique musical style. The blessing of growing up against the multicultural city-scape of Toronto ensured that not only was he surrounded by a diverse Muslim community, but also encircled by a vibrant arts community.

Irfan recorded his first solo CD in 1997 “Reminisce”. In 1999 he was featured in the CD compilation “Light Upon Light”. His two songs “Light Upon Light”, and “When the Leaves Begin To Fall”, were met with high acclaim and were becoming the favourites of Nasheed listeners all over the world, especially in the U.K. and U.S. He released his second solo CD “Salam” in 2003. This was met with great anticipation and soon led Irfan to tour all over the UK and US.It is the hope now that the coming together of the Awakening family and Irfan Makki will inshaAllah blossom into a beautiful bond.

Click on the picture to download full album


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