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Showing posts from August, 2013

Baton Haxhiut, nipit te haxhive

Baton Haxhiu, me nje mbiemer si titullar fetar qe e mbart ne identitetin e tij kudo qe identifikohet, nuk i ka ngel asgje prej prejardhjes nen lekure, mbase edhe ate e konsideron si relike fatkeqe, qe ia kane trasheguar gjysh pas gjyshi. Dhe mbase ky i mallkon dite e nate per fatkeqesine identitare prej "haxhiu", dikure figure e nderuar sot tek Batoni duhet te jete nje fatkeqesi e trasheguar.S'ke c'ben Baton, do te te duhet nje gjyq i vogel civil per ta hequr nga kartat identifikuese se je nip dhe sternip haxhinjsh, por nuk mund ta heqesh dot nen lekure shtate pash ate prej te cilit e trashegon "haxhiun". Do te te duhet te veprosh, ashtu sic kane vepruar Hoxha dhe Shehu ne Shqiperine komuniste, qe permes anatemimit te fese dhe stigmave fetare tu benin qefin bolshevikeve rus dhe atyre lekureverdhe te Kines, t'u tregonin atyre se "platforma" te cilen ata aplikonin ishte ne sherbim te "atdheut" dhe "njeriut modern". ...

The Islamic Liberation Theology of Ali Shariati, by Mohamed Tahar Bensaada

  The Islamic Liberation Theology of Ali Shariati, by Mohamed Tahar Bensaada The path taken by Ali Shariati (1939-1977) is quite different from the one taken by Motahhari1. Shariati did not study in a theological institute but in the Faculty of Arts at Tehran University. Unlike Motahhari, who never studied abroad, Shariati studied sociology and the history of religion in Paris. Back home in Iran, he is excluded from the university for his political positions just like Motahhari. While he had already begun participating in the nationalist movement led by Dr. Mossadegh in his youth, Shariati was also part of the Islamic renewal movement, the “Socialist Adorers of God.” From the beginning, then, Shariati distinguishes himself by a kind of synthesis between Islamism and revolutionary nationalism. In the 60s and 70s, he was the representative of radical left Islamism among Iranian youth. His political involvement led to prison, torture and exile. His premature death under suspic...